Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University HVSU Recruitment 2018 Notification for 29 Guest Faculty Posts
Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University HVSU Recruitment 2018-19 notification (Government Jobs in India) for 29 guest faculty posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (21-07-2018).
Further information about the Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University recruitment courses and exams, vacancies, HVSU recruitment and jobs, salary details and careers, application fee, HVSU government jobs, admit card, police written exam date, vacancy, results,
educational qualifications and all other details/information about
this post is mentioned in details below.
Advertisement No. HVSU/18/Estt/003
Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University HVSU Recruitment 2018-19 Notification Detailed Information
Job Location for HVSU Recruitment 2018 -
The candidates can be located anywhere in India for service.
Number of Vacancies -
The total number of vacancies are 29.Name of Vacancies and Number of Posts - The name and number of vacancies per posts are mentioned below.
1. Guest Faculty - 29.
Salary/Pay and Grade Pay - For guest faculty posts, the payable salary will be Rs 30,000 per month with Rs 500 per hour/lecture. Further information about salary details is mentioned in the detailed advertisement.
Age Limit - For HVSU recruitment, candidate age should lie between 18 - 30 years. Candidates having age more than thirty years cannot apply for this recruitment. To know more about age details, click on the detailed advertisement.
Selection Method - For recruitment in the Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University, the candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test/ skill test and then personal interview. Candidates must be prepared for these tests.
Work Experience - No further work experience required for this recruitment. Fresher candidates and candidates with no experience can also apply for this recruitment.
How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to download an application form from official website www.hvsu.ac.in/ or from the given link below. Candidates have to take a printout of application form. After printout, candidates must fill the application form and send the application form along with needed / relevant / required testimonials(which is mentioned in detailed advertisement) superscribing the envelope "Application for the post of 'Name of Post' " to the address given below.
Address -
The Registrar, Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University, Plot no. 147, Sector - 44, Gurugram, Haryana
Application Fee - There will be no application fee for any category candidates. Persons with disabilities are also not required to pay any application fee. Regular employees of Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University HVSU applying for the higher position are too not required to pay any application fee.
Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances. Incomplete or late applications without enclosures will summarily be rejected without any reasons and correspondence. Therefore application forms must reach before the last date. Belated/Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.
Best of Luck
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