Revenue Department Recruitment

Revenue Department Recruitment Notification 2016 for 42 Village Accountant Posts.

Revenue Department has published recruitment notification 2016 for 42 village accountant posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (17-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Revenue Department Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 42.

Name and number of vacancies as per post -
1. Village Accountant
 - 42

 Salary and Grade pay - The salary will range from Rs 11,600 - 21,000. To know more about salary details go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit -  A candidate age should must be  18 - 35 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam and then interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates can apply online from given link below.

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (17-12-2016).
Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

NCERT Recruitment

National Council of Educational Research Recruitment Notification 2016 for 240 Professor Posts.

NCERT has published recruitment notification 2016 for 240 professor posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (25-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

NCERT Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information.

Number of vacancies - 240.

Name and number of vacancies as per post -
1. Professor - 237
2. Librarian - 03.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 37,400 - 67,000.with Rs 10,000/9,000 grade pay and for post(2), salary will be Rs 15,600 - 39,100.with Rs 6,000 grade pay To know more about salary details go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit -  Candidate age should be less than 62 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, M.Ed/MA in education and PG in science or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to download application form from given link below.

After downloading and filling the application form, candidates have to send application form with relevant / needed testimonials(mentioned in detailed advertisement) to the given address.

Address - 

Section Officer, Recruitment-I Section, Room No. 12, 5th Floor, Zakir Hussain Block, NCERT, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi- 110016.

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (25-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

 Best Of Luck

Staff Selection Commission Recruitment

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission Recruitment Notification 2016 for 513 Trained Teacher Posts

Jharkhand Staff Selection Commission has published recruitment notification 2016 for 513 trained teacher posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (30-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies. - 513.

Name of vacancies as per post -
1. Post Graduate Trained Teacher - 513

 Salary and Grade pay - The salary will range from Rs 9,300 - 34,800 with Rs 4,800 grade pay. To know more about salary details as post wise go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit -  A candidate age should must be less than 21 - 40 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, post graduation degree, B.Ed or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam and then interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates can apply online from given link below. 

Important Date to Remember - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (30-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

Public Service Commission Recruitment

Karnataka Public Service Commission Recruitment Notification 2016 for 526 Stenographer and Typist Posts
Karnataka Public Service Commission has published recruitment notification 2016 for 526  stenographer and typist posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (15-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Karnataka Public Service Commission Recruitment 2016 Notification Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 526

Name of vacancy -
1. Typist - 432

2. Stenographer - 94.

Salary and Grade pay - For post(1), the salary will be Rs 14,450 - 26,700 and for post(2), the salary will be Rs 11,600 - 21,000. To know more about salary details as post wise go to detailed advertisement.
Age Limit -  A candidate age should be  18 - 35 years. To know more about age details, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam and then interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to apply online through official website which is given below.

Application Fee - Rs 300 for General / OBC candidates and Rs 25 for SC / ST candidates.

Last Date - Candidates have to apply on or before (15-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

Cantonment Board Recruitment

Cantonment Board Recruitment Notification 2016 for 54 Clerk, Teacher & Various Posts
Cantonment Board has published recruitment notification 2016 for 54 clerk, teacher and various posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (31-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Cantonment Board Recruitment 2016 Notification Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 54

Name of vacancy -
1. Assistant Teacher - 25

2. Sanitary Inspector - 02
3. Junior Clerk - 16
4. GDMO - 10
5. Junior Engineer - 01.

Salary and Grade pay - For post(1,5), the salary will be Rs 9,300 - 34800 with Rs 4,200 grade pay, for post(2,3), the salary will be Rs 5,200 - 20,200 with Rs 2,400 grade pay, and for post(4), the salary will be Rs 15,600 - 39,100 with Rs 5,400 grade pay To know more about salary details as post wise go to detailed advertisement.
Age Limit -  A candidate age should be  18 - 30 years. To know more about age details, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, diploma in elementary education/ sanitary inspector, bachelors of elementary education or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam and then interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to apply online through official website which is given below.

Last Date - Candidates have to apply on or before (31-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

Police Recruitment

Chhattisgarh Police Recruitment Notification 2016 for 2976 Constable Posts
Chhattisgarh Police has published recruitment notification 2016 for 2976 constable posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (15-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Chhattisgarh Police Recruitment 2016 Notification Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 2976

Name of vacancy -
1. Constable

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 5,200 - 20,200 with Rs 1,900 grade pay. To know more about salary details as post wise go to detailed advertisement.
Age Limit -  A candidate age should be 18 - 28 years. To know more about age details, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam, physical test, trade test and medical exam.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to apply online through official website which is given below.

Application Fee - Rs 200 for General / OBC candidates and Rs 125 for SC / ST candidates.

Last Date - Candidates have to apply on or before (15-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

Air India Limited Recruitment

Air India Limited Recruitment Notification 2016 for 150 Co-pilots and Trainee Posts.

Air India Limited has published recruitment notification 2016 for 150 co-pilots and trainee posts. All legible and interested candidates have to attend walk in interview on (14-12-2016) 
 Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Air India Limited Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information.

Number of vacancies - 150.

Name of Vacancies
1. Co-pilots

2. Senior Trainee

Salary and Grade pay -  The salary will be Rs 80,000. To know more about salary details go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit - A candidate age should be less than 45 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in merit list and personal interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates can download application form given below.

After downloading and filling the application form, candidates have to attend walk in interview on mentioned date with needed testimonials(which is fully mentioned in detailed advertisement) to the given address below.

Address -

 Office of Executive Director-Operations,  Air India Limited, 1st Floor, Main Reservation Building, Safdarjang Airport, Aurobindo Marg, New-Delhi - 110003

Application Fee - Rs 3000 for General / OBC candidates and Rs 0 for SC / St candidates. 

Important Note - Applicants have to attend walk in interview on (14-12-2016). Late arrival candidates will not be allowed for interview. 

 Best Of Luck

IDBI Bank Recruitment

IDBI Bank Recruitment Notification 2016 for 1000 Assistant Manager Posts
Industrial Development Bank of India has published recruitment notification 2016 for 1000 assistant manager posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (09-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Industrial Development  Bank of India Recruitment 2016 Notification Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 1000.

Name of vacancy -
1. Assistant Manager - 1000.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 14,400 - 40,900. To know more about salary details as post wise go to detailed advertisement.
Age Limit -  A candidate age should be less than 28 years. To know more about age details, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, Bachelors degree or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in online test and pesonal interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to apply online through official website which is given below.

Application Fee - Rs 700 for General / OBC candidates and Rs 150 for SC / ST candidates.

Last Date - Candidates have to apply on or before (09-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

Revenue and Disaster Management Recruitment

Revenue and Disaster Management Recruitment Notification 2016 for 1085 Patwari Posts

Revenue and Disaster Management has published recruitment notification 2016 for 1085 patwari posts. All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (07-12-2016). Further more information about given post is mentioned in detailed below.

Revenue and Disaster Management Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 1085.

Name of Vacancy -
1. Patwari - 1085.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 5,200 - 20,200 with Rs 2,200 grade pay

Age Limit - A candidate age should be 18-35 years.

Educational Qualifications Required - A candidate should must have done at least 10th, 12th, graduation degree or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection procedure - All eligible and interested candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam.

How to Apply - All eligible and interested candidates have to download application form from detailed advertisement or given link below

 Important date to remember - All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (07-12-2016).

Important Note - Application Forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best of Luck

Union Bank of India Recruitment

Union Bank of India Recruitment Notification 2016 for Deputy General Manager Posts

Union Bank of India has published recruitment notification 2016 for 01 deputy general manager posts. All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (03-12-2016). Further more information about given post is mentioned in detailed below.

Union Bank of India Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 01.

Name of Vacancy -
1. Deputy General Manager
 - 01.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 68,680 - 76,520. For more information go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit - A candidate age should be 40 - 50 years. For more information about age details go to Detailed Advertisement.

Educational Qualifications Required - A candidate should must have done at least 10th, 12th, graduation degree, post graduation degree in law or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection procedure - All eligible and interested candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in short listing and then interview.

How to Apply - All eligible and interested candidates have to download application form from detailed advertisement or given link below.

 After filling the application form, candidates have to send a hard copy of application form with relevant testimonials(Mentioned in Detailed Advertisement) to given email.

Address -

Important date to remember - All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (03-12-2016).

Important Note - Application Forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best of Luck

Thermal Power Corporation Recruitment

National Thermal Power Corporation Recruitment Notification 2016 for 117 ITI Trainee Posts.

National Thermal Power Corporation has published recruitment notification 2016 for 117 ITI trainee posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (05-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

National Thermal Power Corporation Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information.

Number of vacancies - 117.

Name and number of vacancies as per post -
1. ITI Trainee - 117

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 11,500. To know more about salary details go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit -  Candidate age should be less than 27 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, NCVT certificate or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination and skill test.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to download application form from given link below.

After downloading and filling the application form, candidates have to send application form with relevant / needed testimonials(mentioned in detailed advertisement) to the given address.

Address - 

DGM (HR-Rectt.), NTPC Limited, Western Region II Headquarters, 4th Floor, Magneto Offizo, Labhandi, NH-6, Raipur’

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (05-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

 Best Of Luck

Nuclear Power Recruitment

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Recruitment Notification 2016 for 56 Steno, Assistant Posts.

Nuclear Power Corporation of India has published recruitment notification 2016 for 56 assistant, steno posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (30-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information.

Number of vacancies - 56.

Name and number of vacancies as per post -
1. Assistant - 40
2. Steno - 16.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 25,500.

Age Limit -  Candidate age should be 21 - 28 years.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, Graduation / Bachelors degree, post graduation degree or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written examination and then interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to download application form from given link below.

After downloading and filling the application form, candidates have to send application form with relevant / needed testimonials(mentioned in detailed advertisement) to the given address.

Address - 

Nuclear Power Corporation of India , Kundankulam, PO, Radhapuram Taluk, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu - 627106

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (30-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any cirumstances.

Nuclear Power Corporation recruitment

 Best Of Luck

Delhi Transport Recruitment

Delhi Transport Corporation Recruitment Notification 2016 for Various Bus Driver Posts

Delhi Transport Corporation has published recruitment notification 2016 for various bus driver posts. All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (30-06-2017). Further more information about given post is mentioned in detailed below.

Delhi Transport Corporation Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - Various posts.

Name of Vacancy -
1. Driver.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 17,000 approximately. For more information go to Detailed Advertisement

Delhi Transport Recruitment

Age Limit - A candidate age should must be less than 50 years. For more information about age details as post wise go to Detailed Advertisement.

Educational Qualifications Required  - A candidate should must have done at least 10th or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection procedure - All eligible and interested candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in driving test and then personal interview.

How to Apply - All eligible and interested candidates have to download application form from detailed advertisement or given link below

 After filling the application form, candidates have to send a hard copy of application form with relevant testimonials(Mentioned in Detailed Advertisement) to given address.

Address - 

  To Delhi Transport Corporation HQ, IP Estate, Near Indraprastha Metro Station, New Delhi – 110 002
 Important date to remember - All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (30-06-2017).

Important Note - Application Forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.


Best of Luck

Metro Rail Recruitment

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Recruitment Notification 2016 for 04 General Manager Posts

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation has published recruitment notification 2016 for 04 general manager posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (20-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Recruitment 2016 Notification Detailed Information

Number of Posts - 04.

Name of vacancy -
1. General Manager - 04

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will range from Rs 51,300 - 73,000.
To know more about salary details as post wise go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit -  A candidate age should must be less than 53 years as on (31-10-2016). To know more about age details, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, diploma, graduation degree, post graduation degree or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in interview.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to apply online from given link below

After applying online candidates need to send application form with relevant testinomials(mentioned in detailed advertisement) to the given address.

Address -  

To, HR Department, 1st Floor, MMRCL, Plot #13, E Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Mumbai - 400051

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (20-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

Department of Post Recruitment

Department of Post Recruitment Notification 2016 for 44 Postman Posts

Department of post has published recruitment notification 2016 for 44 postman posts. All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (12-12-2016). Further more information about given post is mentioned in detailed below.

Department of Post Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 44.

Name of Vacancy -
1. Postman - 44.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 5,200 - 20,200.

Age Limit - A candidate age should be 18-27 years.

Educational Qualifications Required - A candidate should must have done at least 10th or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection procedure - All eligible and interested candidates will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam.

How to Apply - All eligible and interested candidates have to download application form from detailed advertisement or given link below

 After filling the application form, candidates have to send a hard copy of application form with relevant testimonials to given address.

Address - 

Department of post Recruitment

 Important date to remember - All eligible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (12-12-2016).

Important Note - Application Forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best of Luck

Ministry of Defence Recruitment

Ministry of Defence Recruitment Notification 2016 for 27 LDC, MTS and Steno Posts.

Ministry of Defence has published recruitment notification 2016 for 27 clerk, steno and MTS posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (20-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Ministry of Defence Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 27.

Name and number of vacancies as per post -
1. Steno
 - 02
2. Lower Division Clerk - 03
3. Clerk - 06
4. Cook - 01
5. MTS - 09
6. Labourer - 06.

 Salary and Grade pay - For post(1), the salary will range from Rs 25,500 - 81,100, for
 post(2-5), the salary will range from Rs 19,900 - 63,200 and for post(6), salary will range from Rs 18,000 - 56,900 To know more about salary details go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit -  A candidate age should must be 18 - 25 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written exam and then skill test.

How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates can download application form from detailed advertisement. After downloading and filling the application form, candidates have to send the application form along with relevant/needed testimonials (which is fully  mentioned in detailed advertisement) to the given address.

Address -  


Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (20-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

Best Of Luck

North Central Railway Recruitment

North Central Railway Recruitment Notification 2016 for 08 Scouts and Guides Quota Posts

North Central Railway has published recruitment notification 2016 for 08 scouts and guides quota posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (18-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

North Central Railway Recruitment 2016 Notification Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 08.

Name of vacancy -
1. Scouts - 02

2. Guides Quota - 06

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will range from Rs 5,200 - 20,200 with Rs 1,900 / 1,800 grade pay

Age Limit -  A candidate age should must be 18 - 32 years. To know more about age details, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, ITI or its equivalent / relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in trials.
How to Apply - All legible and interested candidates have to download application form from given link below.  

Application Fee - Rs 100 for General/OBC candidates and Rs for SC/ST candidates. 

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (18-12-2016).

Important Note - Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

North Central Railway Recruitment

Best Of Luck

High Court Recruitment

Gauhati High Court Recruitment Notification 2016 for 271 Lower Division, Assistant Posts

Gauhati High Court has published recruitment notification 2016 for 271 lower division assistant, copyist posts. All legible and interested candidates have to apply on or before (03-12-2016). Further more information about given posts is mentioned in detailed below.

Gauhati High Court Recruitment Notification 2016 Detailed Information

Number of vacancies - 271.

Name of vacancies -
1. Review Officer
2. Copyist.

Salary and Grade pay - The salary will be Rs 5,200 - 20,200 with Rs 2,200 grade pay. To know more about salary details go to Detailed Advertisement

Age Limit - A candidate age should be 18 - 43 years. To know more about age details as post wise, click on detailed advertisement.

Educational Qualifications for given posts - To apply for the mentioned posts, candidate should must have done 10th, 12th, graduation degree or its equivalent/ relevant qualification from a recognized board or university.

Selection Method -  A candidate will be selected on the basis of their performance in written test, skill test and then personal interview.

How to Apply - 
All legible and interested candidates can apply online through given link below.

Application Fee - Rs 360 for General / OBC candidates and Rs 180 for SC / ST candidates.

Last Date - A candidate should must apply for the posts on or before (03-12-2016).

Important Note -Application forms received after due date will not be entertained under any circumstances.

 Best Of Luck